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Uncovered Page 8

  “Jace,” I moaned. "Jace, I love this!”

  He groaned and squeezed me tighter, keeping the suction and the pressure on. He was going to make me cum. I let go with my left hand and grabbed his head, pulling him even tighter into my wet. I moaned and gasped louder and louder, as he brought me closer and closer to the edge. My vision blurred as he pushed through the threshold. The orgasm shook my body, spread into every nerve ending and turned my body into putty. My legs went limp and my hands started to give out. He sensed it, and carefully lowered me down. He laid back on the floor, rose petals clinging to his moist skin, as I came down on top of him, laying there for a moment to catch my breath. I’ve never had an orgasm so intense in my life. He was incredible.

  I lowered my hand and slowly unbuttoned his jeans. His rock hard shaft had been long ready to take me. I carefully ran my fingers up and down, teasing him, as I enjoyed the girth. He lifted me and with a firm grip on my ass navigated me down on his rock hard penis. I moaned a cry of joy as he plunged deeper to fill my entire being. Inch by inch he continued inside me thrusting deeper and deeper to my core. As I swallowed up him whole he wrapped his arms around to bring me closer to him.

  “Come to me, Kate” he whispered, as our naked flesh connected, my soft breasts against his strong muscled chest. He put his arms around me, thrust his hips up, and filled me with more force. Our hearts pounded as he thrust faster and faster, overwhelming my senses with pleasure.

  “Oh Jace…” I moaned as he plunged hard into me.

  He slowly pulled out, waited just a moment longer than usual, and quickly filled me with his hot flesh once again. Rocking his hips he continued to slam away into my completely wet pussy, not giving me a chance to breathe. My moans exchanged with my breaths as he brought me to the most intense orgasm that made my whole body go soft in his hands. He didn’t stop as my head fell loose on his shoulder, gasping for breath and a moment to slow down. He kept moving in and out as I quivered with every penetration. I couldn’t fight the feelings that I was trying to grab the control of, and with one final exhale I let it all go. He pushed inside me and I felt his heat penetrate me. As the orgasms waved through us, I felt the incredible love for him, for both of us together, for our beautiful experience just shared. We embraced each other and laid in stillness, everything else a million miles away.

  Chapter 10



  It was quite late when I walked into my climate controlled apartment building to hide from the warm night. I wondered if Olivia was still up.

  I walked through the door and found her sitting on the floor in the living room. There were multiple open suitcases surrounding her with piles of clothes next to them. Cesar was lounging nearby, his big head resting on her thigh.

  “Hello there, Miss Adventure! How the hell did it go?” she grinned.

  “Hey! Uh, it was good!” I looked shyly away.

  “Good?” she asked curiously.


  “Great?” Olivia winked.

  “Olivia I think I am in love!” - I suddenly uttered, surprising myself. For a moment there she looked at me with her brows raised, both of us giving each other the “Did that just happen?” look.

  I figured I might as way spill the beans.

  “Oli, we went out on his boat all over lake Michigan, then the Sears tower. He set up such a romantic date on a private floor upstairs. We had such an incredible time! And the way he is, you know, he is such a gentleman, and… and…” My voice became quiet.

  “And what?!” she exclaimed after a few moments.

  “Uh, Nothing, it was a great time and he has a huge boat!”

  “Kate Simms!” she stated as she looked inclusively at me. “What else does he have that you can’t seem to tell me?”

  Heck, I might as well…

  “Oh Olivia! He is so amazing in bed, he had me wailing at the moon. He is so sensual and strong, and he held me so tight and close, I felt so good and safe. I literally couldn’t shake it, look at me, I am still in a daze!”

  “Wow, that’s hot.” Olivia said.

  “Isn’t he amazing?”

  “He sure sounds like it.” She walked up and looked straight at me. “Kate, I love you. I am very happy for you so enjoy it and be safe.”

  “Thank you, I will be. I just can’t help feeling so good! Look at me, I am giggling like a school girl!”

  “Nothing wrong with that my dear. Jace certainly came across well when we all hung out at his place.”

  “Oh, you mean that? Thank you Oli, I knew you’d like him!” I paused my excitement and composed myself. My eyes glanced over the things spread out on the floor. “Wait a second, what is up with the luggage?”

  “Oh, this? I am going on a trip. One of our main reporters had an emergency so they called me to cover his story. I get to dig some fun facts on the banking crisis in Europe. I am flying out tomorrow.”

  “Oh wow, Olivia, tomorrow? I suppose you’ve been waiting to get into the big leagues for awhile.”

  “Yes I have, and I certainly am going to kick ass. I will miss your pretty face though.” She came up and hugged me tight.

  “How long is it for?” I said.

  “8 weeks.”

  “8 weeks?! In Europe?! Olivia, that’s so long, what am I going to do without you?”

  “I know honey, but it really isn’t that long. Anyway, it sounds like I am leaving you in a pair of strong lusting hands.” She smiled.

  I blushed a little and bit my lip. “But still! You know I need some supervision. Can you at least promise me we will talk to each other often?”

  “Sweetie, I will be in the major cities in England, Italy and Spain. I think we can easily find a way to talk all about our latests adventures.”

  “Speaking of adventures,” I said. “How did you get along with Ben? Jace mentioned something about you guys hanging out.”

  Now it was Olivia’s turn to blush. “Uh, actually we are flying out together.”


  “Aha, he has to go to Europe for a couple of days too, so the first leg of my trip we’ll be in London together.”

  “Wow Oli, where did that come from?”

  “We got along nicely at Jace’s. Then he asked me out to go ice skating at that indoor place downtown. He forgot to mention he had no idea how to skate, so most of the time I had to hold on to him to make sure he’d stay up. But we had a great time, and he is funny and sort of charming, so I figured why not?”

  “He was pretty fun Olivia, I just figured you wouldn’t fall so quickly!”

  “Boy has charm, what can I say? I like them a little sweet.” She beamed.

  “Oh,” she said, “There is something else.” She said with a change of tone.

  “What’s up?”

  “That guy Xavier stopped by today.”

  My jaw dropped. “He showed up here?”

  “Yeah, came up to the building as I was walking Cesar. He said he really wants to talk to you.”

  I couldn’t believe he dared to. “Did he say what it was about?”

  “Supposedly you are a good worker and he wants to give you a promotion. Sounds like you still have a job there if you want it.”

  “Yeah right, Oli. I don’t believe him, not after what he said to me.”

  “I agree. Just wanted to tell you in his own words so you can think about it.” She said.

  “I do need the money though.” I sighed. “Do you think may be he would back off some if he knew I was dating Jace?”

  “Well, I think he’s stubborn but mostly harmless, I think when he sees a bigger fish protecting you he will play nice.”

  “I guess hearing what he says wouldn’t hurt. Crap, I do need a job bad.” I said.

  Olivia placed her slender arms on my shoulders. “Just remember that you can always walk away. I am sure we could get you a job somewhere else.”

  Chapter 11


  I picked up the ringing phone to
o busy to look at the caller id and immediately regretted it.

  “Hello Kate. What are you doing?” the accent coming through thick.

  “Hi Xavier.” I rubbed my eyes thinking of a way to keep this short.

  “Listen, I have something very important to talk to you about. Could we meet tonight?”

  “I… I don’t know if this is a good idea.”

  “Look Kate,” he said in a softer voice, “I am sorry I was wrong and unprofessional. I said some nasty stuff, but as the guy who managed many employees, I can recognize talent. You really are a good worker and I’d hate to lose you. I stopped by earlier this week to try and talk to you about a possible promotion.”

  Shit, I wish I didn’t need that money.

  “What kind of a promotion?” I blurted too quickly.

  “Just allow me a little of your time and I’ll explain everything. Did you eat dinner yet?”

  “No.” I said.

  “Good, I am going to pick you up in an hour,” he said with excitement. “We’ll go to Opera steakhouse, my treat. I promise you will like what you hear and I’ll be strictly professional.”

  “Uh.” dammit “Fine.”

  An hour later he pulled up in a black Mercedes in front of my door, the car looked like it had seen better days.

  I walked out wearing my black cocktail dress and my Gucci heels. I didn’t really want to impress anyone, especially him, but Opera was one of those places you dressed to impress.

  “Ferrari is getting detailed.” He casually said, “This car’s color looks good with your dress.”

  “Xavier.” I raised my eyebrow.

  “I don’t mean nothing by it!” he threw his hands up in defense. “Xavier is true gentleman now.”

  He dropped the car in the gear and peeled off, gluing me to the seat.

  We pulled up to Opera and valet the car. The place was impressive with a lush red carpet and long Roman style columns to each side of the door. It looked like an actual Opera house had been converted into a luxurious restaurant. Inside the place was decked out with purple and silver theme, creating an interesting modern decor against the mural covered ceilings. We sat down and Xavier proceeded to order for both of us.

  “Two chef’s special prime ribs.” He rattled off to the waiter, “Medium rare for me, and?” he looked at me.

  “Same.” I nodded.

  “Great minds!” he chuckled and pointed to the wine list.

  “And a bottle of wine, Chavenue de Pari. For our little celebration.”

  “Very well sir, an excellent choice.” Retorted the waiter.

  “Look Xavier, you didn’t have to bring me here to talk.” I said, trying to curb his growing enthusiasm.

  “Kate, Kate, please. After we fought I feel so bad. I realize I say very mean thing to a nice girl. But also such a valuable professional.” He started laying into the accent. I wondered if this was his genuine self or if he was doing it on purpose.

  “Yes, it hurt me very much to hear I was only employed for my looks.” I said studying him.

  “I know, I know, Xavier very bad.” He reached for my hand and placed mine into his. “Please allow me to say ‘sorry’ and try to make it up to you. I have something I think you’ll like to hear very much.” He stretched his mouth into a wide grin. “Kate, our company is on the verge of a very large expansion. I am looking to make Bevy the number one choice for model representation. I need all the good talent we have.” He lowered his voice. “You have shown me what you can do, that you can take initiative. I would like very much to have you on board as an event manager. This position would mean more involvement, more freedom in decision making, and a lot more money.” He nodded with excitement.

  I let the words sink in. The waiter came back with the wine and I took a sip thinking over the offer. “That sounds great Xavier, but also like a lot of commitment. I plan to start school this year.” I said.

  “Of course, of course.” He rubbed his chin as he thought. “You know, it’s totally doable. Why don’t you work a few months and get the experience now, and then you can come on as a consultant after? Basically you’d be showing up for the events once in awhile when the big shows happen. It would be a great way to make money while in school, plus I am sure it’d get you noticed by your professors, to be already successful in management position while most others are still clueless about the real world.”

  He did have a point, but I still wasn’t sure.

  “Xavier, I am not sure. This sounds good but I just don't know if I could trust you again.”

  He leaned in over the table, “That’s the other thing, Kate, I don’t want to lie to you about no-thing. We’ve worked together long enough, you know that I am very direct and sometimes too insensitive. But I am always sincere. How sincere did you think I was last time?”

  “Very.” I looked in his eyes.

  “So you see, my big mouth gets me in trouble. And I am afraid it might again now.” He frowned.

  “What do you mean?” I tilted my head intrigued.

  “I think there is something you should be aware of but I don't want to be the one who tells it to you.” He looked around the room.

  “What are you talking about?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “I really don't think its my place.”

  “Spill it, Xavier.” I said sternly.

  “Fine, if you insist.” He inched closer to me. “You know I have eyes everywhere in this town, yes? So I come across some info that you have been seen hanging out with Jace Roland.”

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “What about it?”

  “Well, it’s nothing too serious. Just, you know, be careful. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.” He patted me hand on the table.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I was getting mad of his run around.

  “Jace, you know, he is famous in this city. Big events, parties, he is connected.” He said.

  “Yes, and?”

  “Well, it’s not my place really, but for you I’ll explain.” His gaze intensified. “His last relationship, it became very public. He was with Giselle Lima, the model we did shows for back in the day. Very good talent, rose to the top through us and became demanded by Europeans. She really believed she could become a supermodel, but that meant she had to leave the country often and travel and Jace didn’t like it… and he tried to convince her to stay.” He lowered his eyes accentuating the last part.

  “May be he loved her.” I shrugged. “That sounds normal to me.”

  “Well, thats what I want to think too.” He nodded in agreement. “It’s just that I remember him calling and showing up at the agency to check up on her. And then at the parties sometimes they would be arguing. And you know, eventually she asked me to find her an apartment and get a longer contract in Europe because he became too demanding.”