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Uncovered Page 5

  Ben laughed, “I guess not that good.”

  “Come on, don’t be hard on our guests,” said Jace. “Kate, Ben’s family owns them.”

  “Impressive.” I said, watching Olivia fight with her glass trying to get the raspberry out.

  “Let’s not bore the girls with the boat talk.” Ben said. “Otherwise we are going to find ourselves in another long debate about who makes the best boats.”

  “The Germans, followed by the Italians, then British, Japanese and Brazilians.” I rattled out. Jace and Ben shared a look and turned to me excitedly.

  “Nice, we have one of my people here!” applauded Ben. “Miss, I am thoroughly impressed. Please allow me to refill your drink.”

  “And how about you Olivia? Are you into boats, jet skis, canoes?” asked Jace.

  “Well, I like boats, but jet skis scare me.” She let Ben pour another glass. “The one and only time I went was with my friend who decided I could handle it myself. He forgot to mention that it is much better to hold the throttle with only a finger or two. Like an rookie I gripped it with my entire hand and squeezed the throttle. The whole thing launched forward and I was thrown back like a doll. I was so scared my hand tensed around the throttle and the jet ski roared faster, launching me into the air with each oncoming wave. Finally I flew off into the lake.” She paused. “I said I’d rather doggy paddle to the shore than do that again.”

  “Oh, you just need a little more faith.” Ben laughed. “That gripping is a total rookie mistake. I’m sure we could get you back in the saddle.”

  “I don’t think so. Those things scare the shit out of me!”

  I looked around at the peaks of the surrounding Chicago skyline.

  “This is so gorgeous” I said. “I haven’t been this high ever in my life.”

  “Ah, no Sears tower visit in your past?” Jace shined his beautiful eyes at me.

  “Not yet,” I admitted, “I only moved here a couple of months ago.”

  “It’s a huge tourist trap but on a clear day it’s worth it. It really is incredible that someone had to put together something piece by piece that came out to be the tallest building in the world at its time.”

  “I was always amazed by large scale architecture,” said Olivia. “It is mind-boggling how the European Cathedrals had managed to get built centuries ago without much machinery.”

  “A man can do a lot. Lots of men can accomplish wonders.” stated Ben.

  “Poetic, but think about the sacrifices made.”

  “During my trip to Russia they showed me the Great cathedral where over a thousand people lost their lives just from covering the cathedral dome with the gold plating. They didn’t have masks, so it poisoned them.”

  “A thousand men!” Olivia gasped.

  “Think of the pyramids in Egypt.” Added Jace. “Scientists state we still don’t know how it could have been done. But I assure you if you gave me unlimited funds and human capital, I could come close.”

  “Yeah, only the marketer genius in you would probably get those people to come work for free for the glory of the accomplishment.” Ben said.

  “My tiger hide has some deeply grooved stripes, yes.”

  “Well, tiger, how about you show me where you keep more wine?” I jumped in, surprising herself. Jace looked at me and curled his lips up. He was completely comfortable.

  “Did I just hear someone purr?” He said. “Let us go then little cub.” He took my hand and looked at Olivia and Ben. “We trust that the two of you will behave.”

  “Who, me?” smirked Ben. “I am just here for the fresh air.”

  Olivia just rolled her eyes.

  I followed Jace inside the huge penthouse. It had been decorated with large paintings with golden hand made frames I’ve only seen in museums. The rose wood trim lined the halls that opened up into the spacious granite kitchen. We made our way into a large wood trimmed room lined with wine bottles. I guessed there must have been at least three hundred. Some bottles had unique shapes looking more like art decorations.

  "Are you a big wine snob?” I asked impressed by his vast collection.

  “Not really,’ he said. “I usually try wine at business dinners and pick the few I like. The wines on these three racks is what I drink.” He motioned to the bottles next to me “This rack here is all gifts, and over there are a few I keep simply as investments.”

  “Investments?” I studied the section which had the most interesting bottles and labels.

  “Yeah it’s actually a fairly lucrative investment. A bottle of rare wine can net a better return than the stock market over the time one holds it. Of course you must know which ones to invest in.”

  “Wow, it’s the first time I heard about it. How expensive do they have to be to be that valuable.”

  “It varies. For example, $10,000 is a good threshold. The wines below that number can float in and out of better restaurants of the world. You’d be surprised how much too, but it happens every weekend that the dinner bill goes way up because of a great bottle of wine. However, the true wine collector will want the rarest, something that is very hard to get. Some bottles go up as high as mid six figures. I guess that’s true for other things too.” He shot me a fiery glance that flamed away a second later.

  What was that? He was up to something and I wanted to call him on it. “I guess it must be hard having something so rare and not find out how it tasted?”

  He turned his back to me pretending to be looking at something in front of him for a few seconds. Finally he broke the silence.

  “So, what do you think of Chicago, Kate?”

  Taken back by this misdirection, I took a few breaths to compose myself. “I like it a lot.” I said. “I love the city vibe, the amazing food. I have this one theory.” I stopped. “Oh never mind, it’s dumb.”

  He kept his back turned. “Don’t be shy, I’ve found you quite sharp so far.” His voice resonated through the room.

  “Well,” I said quietly, “I have this theory that when there is a lake or an ocean by the city, people are more relaxed. As if it puts the things in perspective and calms them.”

  He slowly turned around and looked at me with his olive eyes. They were glowing with the warm embers deep inside.

  “I think you are onto something. I remember for me buying a boat was more about gaining more freedom than trying to prove something by my status.” He curled his lips up as his eyes were looking through to my soul. “I’d say I was right in my opinion of you.”

  So this guy wasn’t one of the spoiled rich types that kept trying to show off. He lived on his terms and enjoyed life. That’s always hard to do, especially at the level of success he managed to achieve. I looked back at him with admiration and respect. He must have noticed it, because he leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, causing goose bumps to rush down my neck.

  “Not only good looking but also interesting. I like it.”

  I gazed into his gorgeous olive eyes, “I was just thinking the same thing, mister.”

  Jace almost let out a smile, but not quite, and put his arms on my hips. His strong hands gripping me firm. “I am taking the boat out tomorrow, I want you to come with me.” It wasn’t a question.I couldn’t give in this easy, even to a guy like this, especially to a guy like this.

  I looked down between us, “Well… I might have some plans,” I looked back up and saw that beautiful face. “But I could be bribed.”

  “Oh yeah?” he lifted up my chin with his finger and pressed me closer against him. He placed a soft kiss at the nape of my neck. Feeling his wet mouth on my skin sparked something in my abdomen, that resulting tremor rushing up my spine. His lips slowly glided up my neck and up to the ear lobe, leaving goose bumps in their wake. He planted small kisses as he moved along my chin and up to my hungry mouth. I couldn’t fight it, it was as if someone else took over my body. I was taking him in with every touch and kiss, my excitement building up. I parted my lips and our tongues united. He was such a good kis
ser, our tongues playing twister was making my legs weak. I felt the need to drink his passion in, to feel it rush deep down into my core.

  I let out a soft moan, a moan of a woman who had just released the hunger built up inside her.

  He stepped back and looked into my eyes, staring right into my soul. “I think that’s a yes?”

  “Yes.” I said softly, my white flag obvious.

  He lifted his hand and glided his thumb along my lower lip, feeling my aroused lips. I opened my mouth and sucked his thumb in, just for a moment, before my senses came back and I turned my head away.

  “We better head back.” He said as he took a step back. “I know Ben appreciates women who speak their mind, and I think Olivia was born to.” He picked a couple of bottles and walked out.


  “Does he have the whole top floor to himself?” Asked Olivia as Ben placed another raspberry in her glass.

  “Yeah, pretty much. Sometimes he throws a barbecue and invites the neighbors over, otherwise it’s just him.”

  “This is a very large place to be so secluded. Shit, you could play tennis here!” Olivia looked around. “Or have a dog park. Cesar certainly likes it.” She tossed a cocktail shrimp and watched the dog run down to the other side and fetch it.

  “Jace could do a lot of things, if someone could drag him away from work.” Ben’s words hung in the air.

  “He’s that in love with it?”

  “He was in love with it. I don’t think so now. I think it’s more like an escape.”

  “Escape from what, the good life?” Olivia raised her eyebrow.

  “Nah, he doesn’t have the case of keeping up with.” Ben looked in the black shadow of the lake ahead of them, “Personal stuff.”

  “Running from commitment?” Olivia saw she hit the mark by Ben’s deep exhale.

  “More like afraid it would be the same ride that ended up sideways after a few turns.”

  “Was the ride long?”

  “Two years, I think.”

  “How long has it been over?”

  “About six months.”

  “Must have been serious if it’s still bothering him.”

  “She was everything he thought he wanted. A good looking fashion model, passionate, not overly demanding. Fun.”

  “What happened to them?”

  “I guess for her, career was more important. She always had guys chase her so money didn’t impress her. And she definitely wanted to live in her home country. So one day she just told him that was that.”

  “Do you think they were in love?” Olivia tossed another shrimp.

  “I don’t think they knew what love was. They pieced it together from what they’ve been shown in movies and on TV. Love isn’t just baby talk, hugs and impromptu sex in the bungalows on the beach. Love is also holding them tight when they are shaking with fear, terrified of opening up and peering into their own abyss. The only thing that lets them go deeper is knowing that they have someone who will throw the rope down to save them.”

  “That’s deep. Where did you get that from, a philosophy textbook?” Said Olivia with a small smile.

  “I think a lot in the shower,” said Ben with a small smile. “And I take long showers.” He faced her, her eyes were full of attention. “I would be careful about getting friendly with me, might pull you right in with my observations.”

  “You think I can’t handle it?” Olivia licked her lips.

  “A fine looking lady like yourself? No chance.”

  She quickly darted her eyes down and to the side, then came closer to Ben. Her lips were now inches away. “If I were you I would kiss me right now.”

  Ben put his hand under her chin, leaned in closer and placed a soft, moist kiss on the corner of her lips.

  “This will have to do.” He pulled back. “After all, I need to be wined and dined first.”

  Chapter 6


  The phone cut through the air conditioned silence, jolting me out of my bed.



  As I reached for it I checked the time. Four AM, this was always a shitty time for any calls.

  “Hello?” My hoarse voice resonated through the bedroom.

  “Hey Jace.”

  I recognized her voice immediately and concentrated myself to pause and collect.

  “Giselle.” That’s good, keep it neutral, you’re doing fine.

  “Hey papi. How are you?” Her voice rushed through my ear down into my heart, kicking it hard.

  “Fine. Working.”

  Why the hell are you calling me now, it’s been four months.

  “Busy as always, mister business.” She let out a laugh. “I’ve been busy too. I am opening the new Gucci line.” Kick, punch, kick. Like we are best of fucking friends.

  “Yeah, I heard somewhere.” I ground my teeth.

  Silence hung on the wires, I imagined her, who knows where and with whom, but I started to remember more pieces of her. Her soft skin, her cat like eyes. Her soft yet strong touch. Her mouth. That fucking million dollar mouth.

  “Papi, did you hear I am coming back?” her voice was filled with just a dash of hope, something that rarely happened with Giselle.

  “No.” I lied, clearing my throat.

  “Oh,” she paused, “Well I am, very soon! Things had been crazy since I did GQ.”

  “I heard.” My breath caught in my throat. “Congratulations.”

  Just breathe. In and out. Just focus on the breath.

  “Oh so you keep track of me.” She let out a laugh, her voice penetrating deep into my body. “Does that mean you miss me?”

  No. Yes. No. I have no idea anymore.

  “Just heard you are doing well.”

  “I am doing great!” her excited voice cut off. “That’s too bad you didn’t miss me. I missed you.”

  Blood rushed into my head as about a million things I could say blasted through my brain. True, a large part of those things would involve curses, but at least I’d feel like I had a chance to penetrate her ice cold heart and be real with her, if I could just get her to uncover herself just a little.

  Before I had a chance to open my mouth I heard voices in the background.

  “Papi, let’s catch up when I’m back in Chicago.” Her voice turned to half a whisper. “So I can see how things are.” Click.

  Silence engulfed my bedroom, but the energy levels would set off detectors a mile away. The only thing I could hear was my own heart beat echoing through the room.

  Chapter 7


  The Belmont harbor was one of the most beautiful marinas I’ve ever seen. Situated right downtown it presented the beautiful combination of glistening pearl white boats slowly murmuring in the soft waves on one side and the beautiful parks nesting at the steps of skyscrapers across. Freedom on one side, wealth and prosperity on both. After greeting the marina supervisor we made our way past the large yachts docked around. Judging by the size I guessed most here were easily multi million boats and more. On a few of them people were getting ready for sailing trips as they double checked the equipment. On others hired crews were washing down the boats the smooth newly waxed lines shined bright in the sun.