Free Novel Read





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Authors Letter

  Copyright © 2013 Amy Silva

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of all products referenced in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.




  Chapter 1

  Thick fog was making it hard to see anything up ahead. I was measuring every step, carefully making sure the footing was solid before taking the next one. The forest was dense, and it was getting harder and harder to navigate as I moved forward. My only hope was to stay on the road that kept on curving like a snake. Many times the thorned bushes would catch my flesh, scraping it as I passed by. Eventually the trees began to thin out and I found myself on a small bank of a lake.

  Feeling the sudden pang of thirst I rushed to the lake. It had a strange bright yellow hue and the heavy fog rising from the water was tinted by it. I reached in with a cupped hand and was taken back by how warm the water was. The heat of the lake was incredibly strong making the water undrinkable. I sat back on the shore to think of how to calm my intense thirst building up inside.

  A shadow pierced through the fog ahead of me. I noticed something moving across the lake.

  A moment later I could make the outline of a small wooden boat. It was growing in size as it headed towards me.

  Upon it was a man, he stood tall and confident as he held on to the mast.

  I noticed that I wasn’t feeling any fear, but a strange curiosity as to who this man could be.

  The boat drew closer and the man jumped in the lake. For a few moments he was submerged under water and then appeared right in front of me. He was very tall with a big muscular body, but I couldn’t make out his face.

  Instead I was immediately was drawn to his bright eyes that shined through the mist. Their strange olive glow was blurred by the thick fog.

  The man walked over and stood over me, looking down with curiosity.

  He studied me and as he focused his attention on a particular area of my body it would start glowing a warm yellow color. I was intrigued by this and felt my skin noticing that it had become slightly warmer where the stranger brushed it with his gaze.

  His intense olive eyes made their way down from my face to my exposed neck creating a warm feeling in their wake as they passed lower to my naked shoulders. The heat slowly crept down my arms to my wrists and slowly back up, heating them up. The warm sensation resonated through my nervous system signaling for my body to release endorphins. Enjoying this, I chose to let go and let myself accept his intrusion. His controlled gaze moved down my bare chest to the exposed breasts, seeking out and eager to pleasure my wanting knobs. It felt like a hundred mouths caressed them at once as they tingled with warmth. I let out a slight moan and arched my back, ready for more. His eyes flashed brighter as his gaze traveled down my sides. Reaching my abdomen the light split in two. My heart began to race as I felt the warmth travel down my thighs circling slowly to my ankles and leaving goose bumps as it moved back up. As the two beams drew closer together I felt the warmth intensifying. I let out a slight moan as he moved them inch by inch to my wet loins. His eyes flashed again and the warm areas started to pulsate under the light causing a tremor in my abdomen.

  Unable to resist my increasing desire I threw my legs open, baring myself more for him. I watched the lights join into a singular intense beam right above my swollen clit. With slow licks he slowly moved it lower engulfing my sensitive knob. The sensation rushed through me, igniting all nerve endings at once. I trembled as the intense warmth spread to my core. I let out a deep moan, laid back and closed my eyes and surrendered to it.

  The light pulsated against my pleading clit circling and consuming it from every direction at once. “More…” I whimpered as I thrust my pelvis in the air to get closer to the source of this incredible feeling. An intense thunder of passion rushed up my spine. The sensation so strong and sudden that I gasped for breath and quivered with pleasure as it spread to my core. Overcome with emotion I let out a deep moan from my very soul.

  Over and over the waves of pleasure hit me, sparking the desire deep within. I could feel the orgasm building up inside. As the currents of scorching passion rocked through my being I cried out with pleasure and surrendered myself totally. Letting each part of my body feel the delicious ecstasy I rode the waves, each rushing over me harder than the previous. I dug my fingers deep in the soft grass beside me. Unable to resist the powerful orgasm rocking through me, I let out a deep moan and lost consciousness.

  When I opened my eyes the lake had turned black, filling the forest with darkness. The trees also started to fade into the black, then the sky and the shore. I turned my head to look around for the stranger when a bright light hit me. I covered my eyes, waiting for the brightness to subside. When I opened them again I found myself in my bed. The sunlight was shining through the window. It was moving across the room and had just reached my pillow. Still in a daze I sat up and shook my head. Rocked by the vivid experience my body was still showing me signs of being so turned on. My cheeks were on fire and my skin still moist from exhilaration. The warmth dissipated as I could still feel the wet between my thighs.


  Kate Simms

  “Did you get laid last night?” Olivia knocked on my bedroom door.

  “What are you talking about?” I lifted myself up from the bed, surprised by her dead on question.

  Her lips curled up in a grin, “I heard you moaning through the wall. Either you had a guy over or those dreams are back.”

  So it was a dream. Sometimes they’d feel so real I could hardly convince myself. I got them once in awhile but lately I’ve had two in one week.

  “I bet it was some sexy billionaire cowboy again.” She chuckled while my cheeks turn beet red. “Probably rushing up to you with some ‘Oh howdy miss, I just happened to notice you while exercising my prized stallion. Can I offer you a mansion or three?”

  “You ass, I do like cowboys.” I said trying to piece the dream together. “But I think it was pirates this time...” I muttered the last part still in a daze over the stranger with those intense eyes. That was incredible, some of the most intense things I’ve ever experienced in my life. I bit my lip as I remember vividly how my body quivered like electricity ran through me.

  “Aha, so you did have one!” she clapped her hands excited, “You know, I am kind of jealous. It would be fun to have wild dreams like yours. She closed her eyes for a moment and smiled, picturing what that would be like. “I would probably get addicted to sleeping pills in no time. Anyway,” she laughed, “Let me know when you see me in one of them s
o I can invest in a big lock.”

  “Don’t worry I won’t be coming for ya.” I said wondering a little if that might ever become the case.

  I felt the warm breeze enter the room and brush against my still moist face. It was getting warmer outside. “May be I am just excited about the summer and that’s what the dreams are for?” I said hoping to rationalize away from ‘sex fiend’.

  “From the sounds of it you are very excited. May be this is something of a connection to the future.”

  “I am just trying to keep up with you, miss adventurous.” I grinned while I hoped deep inside she was right.

  Olivia lived her life with a thrill for excitement which was something I admired deeply. She would make it an effort to see the bright side of things, making her a great person to be around. I’ve only known her for a few months since moving to Chicago for grad school and got totally lucky for my first roommate search to uncover such a gem. She worked as a travel journalist and decided that it would be nice to have someone at home when she would return from her trips. Her job allowed her see the world through many lenses, in the process she had adopted a stoic, sort of “it goes on” perspective on life which then translated to seeking more excitement both in and out of the bedroom.

  “Everything in it’s due time, Kate. You are still barely out of recovery.” She was right, I wasn’t nearly that stoic and still trying to get over my ex. He abruptly changed his mind about leaving Minnesota with me, instead declaring after our years together that it wasn’t working out. I made it to Chicago on my last nerves and arrived a wreck. Olivia with her motherly instinct had been a godsend and guided me through my first broken heart. She helped me many times when I felt down about it and didn’t know where to turn. With her by my side, just three months later I was almost over it and ready for a new chapter in my new city.

  “You want some coffee?” I changed the subject.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll make the good stuff I brought back from Europe.”

  I got dressed still tingling with the post orgasmic nerves. Olivia made us coffee and went downstairs to check the mail as I enjoyed the caffeine buzz and wondered who that man on the boat could look like.

  “Wow, it’s getting warm outside.” Olivia said excitedly as she returned with the mail. “Your favorite time of the year is coming up quick.”

  “Yes!” She always knew how to make me smile, “How long do you think until the lake warms up?”

  “We’re still in the middle of May.” She looked up from the mail and winked at me. “I figure at least 3 weeks before we get into some real action.”

  “Action, Oli?” I raised my eyebrow.

  “That’s right chica. Lake Michigan, boats, and the beautiful tanned men that come along.” She rolled her tongue along her upper lip, a sure sign that she was excited.

  “I can’t wait,” I said, sensing it too. “It’s been almost eight months since I’ve been out on a boat. Wait, do we know anybody with one around here?”

  “Unfortunately not since my hook up with Charlie ended. Silly boy had the silly idea to go and marry that flaky French actress. I don’t understand why he couldn’t see that she just needed someone around to shower her with attention.” She sighed. “Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.” She picked up a cup of coffee and looked at me with her lips curled. “We’ll be just fine Kate, I promise there are enough guys in this city who have the boat keys somewhere around the house.”

  “I just don’t know if I am ready for another guy.” I muttered as I looked down at my coffee. Olivia hit the table with her finger startling me.

  “Kate Simms!” She looked me in the eyes, “I love you, but if you think the plan to get through a breakup is to clam your heart up in a shell and forgo any opportunity for another sun ray of love to warm it, then you are a silly little girl and I won’t have it. Chett was sacred of commitment because he was still just a boy, remember?” She caught her breath. “Remind me again, how long have you guys have been together?”

  “Since the freshmen year.” I said. “Ended up dating through college.”

  She placed my hand in hers and began speaking softly. “Well, what do kids know at that age? You guys went through the years without the opportunity to experience new things separately. To grow through those experiences, to gain more wisdom, and of course to see who really makes you tick.”

  “Tick, huh?” I smiled.

  Her eyes sparkled, “That’s right, I’m talking about connection and sex, the great revealers. It is hard to hide yourself during sex, and it is damn impossible when your body is in ecstasy of orgasm. You have to get through a few boys to find a man who can make you feel completely secure and hungry for that passion. One that will allow you to open up and let yourself be engulfed by real passion.” She accentuated the message by giving me a slight understanding nod.

  “Oli, are you a journalist or a poet?” I said impressed.

  “A little bit of both.” She grinned and we bust out laughing. She licked her lips again, “All I know is it will be a great summer.”

  “Bring it on, I am ready for it!” I cheered.

  “By the way, what time do you have to be at work tonight?” She said as we poured ourselves another cup.

  “Nine, I have that Calvin Klein show starting.”

  “That’s exciting, probably going to be a shit show.” She said, “How are you doing over there, I noticed you’ve barely been home the last few weeks.”

  She was right, I’ve been working so much that I barely saw her. The busy upcoming season fashion show schedule wasn’t the only reason though. For the last three weeks my boss had been steadily hinting at his interest in me. Xavier Fountain owned the fashion agency Bevy where I worked and was a very well connected man in Chicago. In his late thirties, he looked younger. He’d enjoyed a fair amount of popularity with the women partially because of his status and in part due to his dark skin, piercing gray eyes and a Mediterranean accent. He was certainly attractive but there was something I didn’t like about him. It seemed to me that he had let his success go to his head. With all the people kissing his ass he eventually started to assume everyone else would too. He believed that anything he wanted could be taken when he wanted it.

  When I initially told him I had a boyfriend he didn’t even register it, or at least pretended not to. The last few weeks he has been coming up with excuses for me to attend various after parties for ‘PR purposes’. This usually involved being at some gallery or club VIP section trying to entertain the designers or merchandisers while Xavier entertained his ideas of so far slow but steady approach. As the marketing manager I probably did have a reason to be there but I quickly learned that wasn’t even true, the partying was strictly that. I would try to find a good excuse and leave after a couple of drinks before things went from social to much more casual which I heard happened often with him. The money at this job was great though and I needed it for college so I stuck around for two months through it secretly hoping someone’s pissed off boyfriend met Xavier’s face with a fist.

  I looked at her with a soft smile, “I know Oli, it’s been so busy with the shows for the upcoming summer. You know this is the crucial few weeks when everyone is trying to present their new lines, rushing to be the first to deliver the fashion statements. Once the mags go out it will relax a bit.” I said.

  “It’s your job baby girl and you are doing just fine so don’t worry about me. Our girl nights can wait until the evenings turn nice and warm. By the way, hows that boss of yours, the one with the wandering eyes?” She knew a bit about him from living in Chicago and from a few stories I told her about his eccentric ways.

  “Still pushy. Seems he’s got the idea into his head that I can’t wait to get with him.” I frowned my brows, causing a small vertical wrinkle to appear in between.

  “That’s what happens when a guy gets his ass kissed all over town. He won’t change until they don’t need him anymore, and by then it will be too late. The only way to act is to keep it
professional when he’s around.”

  “As in?” I looked at her looking for suggestions.

  She tapped her index finger on her lips in thought. “You could just tell him your boyfriend proposed and turn on the excited fiance mode. Tell him some exciting wedding plan stories over and over and he will get bored.”